[MODAL JAZZ loves DISNEY e.p.] starring THE FIVE CORNERS QUINTET / Elizabeth Shepherd Trio
発売日から話題壮絶!大好評のMODAL JAZZ loves DISNEYアルバムより、須永辰緒によるミッキー絵柄のピクチャー7inchをお届け!!!
2008.2.14 release MEDIA:7inch RR12-88514 \1,500(税込)
ミッキー絵柄のピクチャー7inch (C)Disney
01. THE FIVE CORNERS QUINTET / Winnie the Pooh (7inch Mix) [Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree]
02. Elizabeth Shepherd Trio / Beauty and the Beast(7inch Mix) [Beauty and the Beast]
- 2008-02-14 (木) 1:00